The Dog Behind Me

TheDogBehindMe Cover v1

Fantasy Fiction / Reincarnation … 225 pgs

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Jake Belvedere grew up without the father he desperately needed. High school diploma in hand, he reaches out to his father, who reluctantly takes him into his Brooklyn apartment. Jake returns home six months later however, his father having cut the cord, severing their relationship. The 18-year-old struggles to understand.

Shortly thereafter, his father dies of a heart attack. A distraught Jake spirals downward out of control, landing on the cold, unforgiving streets of Calgary.

Seven years pass. A black Labrador retriever happens upon Jake. The stray dog is the reincarnation of his father — a fact all too obvious for the Lab, but lost upon the young man. The two begin a journey of survival and a second chance at the relationship they never had.