I Was Justin’s Nanny

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The Liberal red tidal wave of support has receded, leaving a new prime minister on the Hill. It’s the daring, debonair Justin Prudhomme and his delicious dark locks. Issues pile up quickly. The stuffed shirts and stiff collars need to be ironed out.The media awaits their daily dish and there’s simply no end to the dirty laundry. But that’s all on the Hill. Justin’s wife Josie is busy producing a CBC documentary on saving lemmings. Somebody must tend to the home fires.

Enter Marie Bellehumeur. The 52-year-old, chain-smoking native of St. Louis-du-Ha-Ha! has been around the block. Of unemployment. Dumb luck and dumber clerical staff allow her in the door at 24 Sussex. Today’s hot potatoes – immigration, terrorism and U.S. President Ronald Stump – are mashed onto the prime minister’s plate. Can Justin govern? Can Marie stand the heat in the kitchen? Has anyone seen the kids?

Marie tells all in this first-person perspective from Canada’s number one nanny.